The Soft-Hackled Fly: and Tiny Soft Hackles: A Trout Fisherman's Guide by Sylvester Nemes

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  • 61 fly patterns: Partridge and Orange, Iron Blue Dun, and many more historically proven flies
  • Ten new chapters on tiny soft hackles and how to tie them
  • New color photos of 38 tiny soft hackles
  • Sylvester Nemes is singlehandedly responsible for the popularity of the soft-hackled fly in American fly fishing today. The Soft-Hackled Fly, Nemes's first book, written in 1975, was the catalyst for the resurgence. Now revised with ten new chapters on tiny flies and full-color photos, Nemes shares colorful experiences at home and abroad, the history of the soft-hackled fly, and illustrated step-by-step instructions for tying the flies. He also describes his technique of fishing the flies.