Red Front Grey Palmer
This is a best guess till a sample can be found. Tied much like a bi-visible and other palmered flies that were popular at the time.
The technique to tie this fly is to tie two measured hackle near the front of the hook for the body hackle. They are then wound the hackle backwards towards the bend, and secured in the back. Once both feathers are secured, the thread is wrapped to the back hackle to the front of the hook where the font hackle is then attached.
This requires the feathers be a certain length to arrive at the correct length leave the small tip tails. A simple gauge can be made, after some trial and error to create it. The feather is measured from the tip and any lower fibers are stripped off at the mark.
Also note the proportions, the body hackle is a little shorter then the front hackle. The back hackle also have a slight taper. Using the tip of cape feather will provide more of a taper then a saddle. When measuring the length of the hackle fibers, measure near the tie in point.
Hook: Standard Dry Fly Hook
Rear Hackle: Dun
Front Hackle: Brown