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Cahill Quill
A quill body version of the Dark Cahill. Hook: Standard Dry Wings: Lemon Wood Duck Flank Tail: Lemon Wood Duck Flank Body: Stripped Peacock Eye Quill Hackle: Brown
Fosters Special
A Dette original from the first catalog. This is a best guess on the body and hackle colors till a sample is found. Hook: Standard Dry Fly Wings: Claret Double Slip Wings Tail: Claret Body: Grey Red Hackle: Grey
Red Front Grey Palmer
This is a best guess till a sample can be found. Tied much like a bi-visible and other palmered flies that were popular at the time. The technique to tie this fly is to tie two measured hackle near the front of the hook for the body hackle. They are then wound the hackle backwards towards the bend, and secured in the back. Once both feathers are secured, the thread is wrapped to the back hackle to the front of the hook where the font hackle is then attached. This requires the feathers be a certain length to arrive at...
Special Golden Dun
Listed in the first catalog, but omitted from the second. Also appears on the Darbee list of flies as Golden Dun. Hook: Standard Dry Fly Wings: Lemon Wood Duck Flank Tail: Lemon Wood Duck Flank Body: Pale Yellow Hackle: Golden Badger
Yellow Body Olive
A Dette pattern originally listed in the first catalog. It was listed in the second catalog also, but the tail was change from wood duck to olive hackle fibers. Hook: Standard Dry Fly Wings: Lemon Wood Duck Flank Tails: Lemon Wood Duck Flank Body: Yellow Dubbing Hackle: Olive