Songs of the River is an expression of my passion for the trout stream. Having a camera along while I fish has afforded me the opportunity to record moments that catch nature off guard. I have selected many of those images and coupled them with some of world's great pastoral music. The poertry, mostly Haiku, is not always uplifting, but I hope you will agree nonetheless appropriate for the image. I recommend that you lower the lights, pour a generous helping of your favorite beverage, turn up the volume a bit and allow Songs of the River to conjure up your own memories of special places known only to you. All who wade for the pleasures that a cold, clear river brings to body and soul deeply appreciates the natural beauty of its legacy. May all the rivers of the world someday run wild and free again. We miss their songs. In the meantime, we can enjoy those recorded here.
Tight lines and bright wines,
Dickson Despommier
Tight lines and bright wines,
Dickson Despommier