25% off - Royal Wulff Spey Multi-Tip Fly Line

  • Sale
  • $119.97
  • Regular price $175.00


A comprehensive, multi-tip spey system for Spey, Skagit and switch rods. Each line combination is 120' long, consisting of an 18'-20' tip, a 36' or 50' body or belly, and the remainder, running line. 2-tone orange and white running line for easier visibility. Welded loops for hassle-free tip changes. Floating sections feature J3 coating. Zippered mesh tip wallet included.

Each System comes with four heads:

6 & 7 weight, 120 gr. heads

8 & 9 weight, 160 gr. heads

10 weight, 200 gr. heads

Head selection:

1 floating 20'

1 clear int. 18', s/r 1.25 - 1.75 iPs

1 sinking 15', type 4, 4 - 5 iPs

1 sinking 15, type 6, 6 - 8 iPs